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On this blog, we often like to share with our followers recipes or best ways to enjoy our farm-fresh, Montana local eggs. Assuming you enjoy using our eggs daily like us, chances are that the eggshells left behind are quickly discarded, left to steadily gather at the bottom of your trash bin.

But have you ever considered that there are other uses for those discarded eggshells? After enjoying a hearty breakfast, refrain from throwing away those shells and take a minute to check out this guide on surprising household uses of repurposed eggshells.


Help Your Garden Thrive

Did you know that eggshells by themselves are rich in calcium? The minerals found in the shells can be a great fertilizer for your garden. Simply crush a few eggshells into smaller pieces and spread them into each hole prior to planting.


Consider using the egg carton and shells as a starter for seedlings. Fill the carton with rinsed, half eggshells, poke a hole in each shell, then fill with potting soil and seeds to create a do-it-yourself seedling starter! Once the seedlings are ready for more space, gently transplant them, including the shell, to your garden.

Another bonus of eggshell use in your garden is its ability to deter common garden pests. Break up the pieces and disperse them around your plants, and you can say goodbye to slugs and snails!

Brighten Up Your Whites

Now, this may seem weird, but we didn’t promise that this guide wouldn’t be. Curious about more natural ways of brightening up your white laundry without resorting to bleach? Try adding eggshells. Rinse out some shells, add to a finely woven or mesh bag, and place the bag with your white clothing. The shells can help reduce the gray effect left on your whites caused by soap deposit.

Create Your Own Calcium Supplement

The idea of consuming eggshells is usually an off-putting one. However, given how much of a calcium booster they are, you shouldn’t knock it until you have tried it. By sanitizing, baking and crushing up eggshells into a fine powder, you can make your own calcium boosting supplement to add to your favorite smoothie.


Is that new coffee you decided to try too bitter for your taste, but you don’t want to waste a whole pound? You guessed it - add eggshells! Add your crushed eggshell powder to your coffee grounds and the powder will help neutralize the acidity of the coffee.

Scrub Those Difficult Pans

Crush up a few eggshells in a stubborn, dirty pan and add soap and hot water to help break up the substances stuck on the pan. The broken shells work wonderfully as an abrasive surface to remove dirt.

Create Chalk For Family Fun 

Running out of chalk for decorating your sidewalks? Gather your carton of eggshells and make your own sidewalk chalk. All you will need is eggshells, a couple of teaspoons of flour, food dye, and a couple of teaspoons of hot water.


Rinse first and leave the eggshells out to dry out completely. Once dry, grind up the shells into a fine powder, add the flour and hot water, and mix together. Select your desired shade of dye and mix it into the paste. Using a tool of your choice - or use layers of paper towels - form cylinders with the paste and layout cylinders on a sheet. Leave the cylinders outside and allow them to dry out in the sun for a few days. Once it has completely dried out, your chalk is ready to use!

Have you tried out any of these methods? Let us know in the comments what eggshell uses you like the best.

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